



用管理员权限运行命令行工具,然后输入convert F: /FS:NTFS ,回车。其中F是你的U盘盘符,一定要注意。


convert F: /FS:NTFS
The type of the file system is FAT32.
Volume CCCOMA_X64F created 4/28/2020 11:33 AM
Volume Serial Number is B4FE-5315
Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.

Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems.
No further action is required.
   15,603,696 KB total disk space.
            8 KB in 1 hidden files.
          752 KB in 85 folders.
    1,095,664 KB in 944 files.
   14,507,264 KB are available.

        8,192 bytes in each allocation unit.
    1,950,462 total allocation units on disk.
    1,813,408 allocation units available on disk.

Determining disk space required for file system conversion...
Total disk space:              15633376 KB
Free space on volume:          14507264 KB
Space required for conversion:    44602 KB
Converting file system
Conversion complete

最后别忘记覆盖一下缺失文件install.wim,只需要复制ISO包中的 X:/sources/install.wim 到U盘中对应的目录即可。

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